Eternal Bouquet Prints

Preserve Your Bouquet the Modern Way


Custom Bouquet and Floral Preservation

Preserve your wedding bouquet, funeral arrangement, or prom corsage/boutonniere in a modern and elegant way. At Eternal Bouquet Prints, we preserve your bouquet by turning it into an original piece of art.

We begin this unique preservation method by taking a few of the flowers from your bouquet (or by recreating the bouquet from photographs) and arranging them on a press plate. We apply paint to match the flowers in your wedding bouquet and then press them into paper with an etching press.

The resulting print is a unique piece of original art that carries the imprint and memory of your flowers.

Nationwide Service

We offer custom floral prints to anyone across the U.S. and to many international regions as well. We have a 4-6 week turnaround time no matter where you or your event is located.


An Eternal Bouquet Print is an ideal gift for a bride or couple to remember their special day. From bouquets to boutonnieres and corsages, our bouquet preservation technique creates a timeless print using your actual flowers from the wedding (or just photos of them!), guaranteeing a lifetime of joy and memories. Check out our wedding packages on our Pricing & Packages page. 
Also great for:

  • Mother of the bride gifts

  • Bridesmaid and Groomsman gifts

  • Reception party favors


The perfect gift to stroll down memory lane with the one you love. Whether it's the 1st or 40th anniversary, we can create a custom and elegant print even though the flowers are long gone. As long as you have a few good photos of the bouquet or flowers, we can bring them back to life and ensure they live on forever. Also a great opportunity for our gift cards!


Memorialize your loved ones by preserving the flowers meant to memorialize them. Share the memory with pallbearers and guests by preserving boutonnieres and single flowers.


Ensure your child remembers this special night for the rest of their lives. We can preserve the boutonnieres, corsages, and bouquets in a custom way that captures the magic of their night in a way they could never forget. (Makes a great gift for your prom date as well!) 


Our average turnaround time from the time we get the bouquet or photos is around 4-6 weeks. This also depends on where you live and when your event date is. This can also vary depending on the season and shipping constraints.